TFP Institute Munich
October 20 and 21, 2023
Curriculum 2023-2025 Transference Focused Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy for the treatment of personality disorders
German- In person (Munich)
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Buchheimand
Dipl.-Psych. Brigitte Blanke and colleagues
The treatment of people with personality disorders poses a special challenge in any setting. The transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) developed by Prof. Otto F. Kernberg, New York, and his working group is one of the scientifically recognized methods in this area. The clinical application is expanded and further developed by the results from basic research projects on affect, attachment and trauma as well as the neurobiology of personality disorders. Since 2001, the TFP Institute Munich has been conducting regular training courses and offers training and supervision in TFP.
The curriculum 2023-2025 includes three introductory seminars, seven advanced seminars, five practical weekends and a certification seminar (16 dates) in the period from October 2023 to October 2025. The training is practice-oriented and is accompanied by supervision from the introductory (G) seminars. The speakers are psychotherapists who have been working with TFP for a long time and who are internationally recognized as trainers and supervisors of the method. They are supported by a growing group of colleagues who have completed the curriculum themselves. This contributes to a lively exchange.
The TFP training is aimed at medical and psychological psychotherapists and child and adolescent psychotherapists who treat patients with personality disorders. The curriculum is accredited and certified with continuing education points by medical and psychotherapist chambers in Germany and Austria. Outpatient TFP treatments can be used as depth-psychologically based or modified analytical psychotherapies in guideline psychotherapy.
Location kbo-Inn-Salzach-Klinikum gGmbH Gabersee 7, 83512 Wasserburg am Inn
Times Friday 3:00 pm – 6:15 pm Saturday 9:00 am – 5:45 pm
Cost 4,250 € including snacks and drinks
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Buchheim
Dipl.-Psych. Brigitte Blanke
Dr. med. Bernhard Brömmel
and colleagues.
TFP Institute Munich
Anne Seybold Abbestr. 4a, 80999 Munich Fax: 089/25549039
Training Director Dipl.-Psych. Petra Holler: [email protected] PD Dr. med.
Michael Rentrop: [email protected] Cooperation partner kbo-Inn-Salzach-Klinikum gGmbH, Wasserburg
If required, we will be happy to send you a registration form by mail, email or fax.