TFP Group Ukraine
December 14, 2024; January 19, 2025; February 15, 2025
Registration remains open until the end of the second module.
Personality Disorders: One-Year Training Program with Otto Kernberg – Second Module
English – Online, Zoom
Otto Kernberg, MD
Those registering after a workshop has taken place will receive access to the recording of the missed workshop.
The Main Types of Personality Disorders:
An in-depth exploration of etiology, phenomenology, characterology, underlying psychodynamics, and treatment approaches.
Our one-year program is divided into three consecutive modules, each focusing on different aspects of personality disorders. The program includes a total of 10 workshops:
Module 1 – workshop recordings now available. (September 14, October 19, November 16):
- Personality, identity, and structural diagnostics – the workshop recording is now available.
- Borderline personality disorder
- Hysterical, histrionic, and dependent personality disorders
Module 2 – Current (December 14, January 18, February 15, March 15):
- Narcissistic personality disorder and hypomanic psychodynamics
- Antisocial personality disorder
- Depressive-masochistic disorder and sadomasochistic psychodynamics
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Module 3 (April 19, May 17, June 14):
- Schizoid, schizotypal, and avoidant disorders
- Paranoid disorder
- Hypochondriacal disorder
We have designed a Saturday schedule that is highly convenient and suitable for nearly everyone.
These topics are essential for practicing psychotherapists, offering valuable insights into the deep psychodynamics of these disorders to enhance patient treatment and achieve new professional milestones.
What Can You Expect from Each Workshop?
• In-depth lecture material enriched with real clinical examples from Dr. Otto Kernberg’s extensive practice.
• Public clinical supervision sessions where Dr. Kernberg demonstrates the practical application of theory to real clinical cases.
• A one-hour Q&A session offering the opportunity to have your professional questions answered directly by the leading expert.
Training Format
Online workshops are conducted via the Zoom platform.
All workshops are recorded and made available in the personal account of each participant, allowing you to revisit the parts of the training that are most important to you.
To receive a certificate, if you missed a workshop and are studying it via the recording, you will need to complete tests to demonstrate that you have watched the corresponding workshop recording.
What Makes This Program Special?
To illustrate the theoretical concepts, Dr. Otto Kernberg will conduct public clinical supervision for two supervisees throughout the program, each presenting a case of prolonged psychotherapy. These supervisions will focus on two cases involving patients with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
This unique approach offers practical insights into applying theoretical concepts to complex therapeutic cases. Participants will gain valuable experience by observing the therapy’s progression and analyzing Dr. Kernberg’s recommendations. Additionally, during discussions, you will have the opportunity to ask Dr. Kernberg questions about the supervision process.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) remains one of the most discussed and challenging disorders to treat. A common misconception is that all patients with NPD are untreatable; however, this is a myth. Drawing on over 60-years of clinical research, Otto Kernberg demonstrates that effective therapy for NPD is possible and can lead to substantial outcomes.
On December 14, 2024, we will host the first workshop of Module II, focusing on narcissistic disorder and hypomanic dynamics.
The December 14 workshop will provide an in-depth look at the following topics on NPD:
• concept of healthy narcissism
• etiology of narcissistic personality disorder
• psychological dynamics of the narcissistic personality
• specific ego structure characteristic of narcissistic personality disorder
• pathology of the superego in narcissistic personality disorder
• envy and hatred: dynamics of aggression in narcissism
• primary psychological defenses in narcissistic personalities
• characteristics of acting-out behaviors typical in narcissistic personality disorder
• symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder
• manic and hypomanic dynamics
• dynamics of love and sexual life—from promiscuity to severe inhibition
• emptiness and boredom
• transference and countertransference in work with narcissistic personalities
• negative therapeutic reactions
• malignant narcissism syndrome
• differential diagnosis
• distinguishing narcissistic personality disorder with malignant narcissism syndrome from antisocial personality disorder
• psychotherapy for narcissistic personality disorder
• prognosis for treating these pathologiesc
Undergo training with Otto Kernberg and deepen your practical experience in working with various types of personality disorders!
We provide a comprehensive bilingual environment at our workshops, webinars, and trainings to ensure that participants fluent in either English or Ukrainian feel equally comfortable.
If the instructor uses slides, we ensure that bilingual slides are prepared, and if he/she uses videos, we subtitle them so that each participant feels equally comfortable learning. Audio broadcasting is done through separate audio channels, particularly in English and Ukrainian. Furthermore, participants in both languages find it equally convenient to ask questions and engage in discussions.
Join the training as this program is essential for all psychodynamic therapists, teaching you to understand personality disorders at the deepest level, which is the basis for appropriate therapeutic interventions.
Daily schedule for each workshop day
December 14, 2024; January 19, 2025; February 15, 2025; March 15, 2025
New York time: 8:40 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
London time: 1:40 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Kyiv time: 3:40 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
There will be two 30-minute breaks
• Tuition for the entire second module: $700.00 USD
• Tuition for the entire program (3 modules or 10 workshops): $1,399.00 USD (later: $2,100.00 USD)
Otto Kernberg, MD
Dr. Otto Kernberg, a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and psychotherapist, brings over 60 years of experience in treating complex personality disorders. His dynamic and engaging approach makes his teaching accessible and valuable for both new and experienced practitioners. He combines theoretical knowledge with clinical examples and current research, offering a comprehensive foundation for understanding personality disorders.
If you have any questions contact the curriculum organizier Oleksii Lemeshchuk – [email protected] or +380674804903 (WhatsApp)
Follow the registration link and fill the registration form