(New Publications highlighted in green)
Blüml V, Kapusta ND, Doering S, Brähler E, Wagner B, Kersting A (2013). Personality factors and suicide risk in a
representative sample of the German general population. PLoS One 8(10):e76646. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076646.
Brömmel B, Dammann G (2004). Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapie (KIP) und Übertragungsfokussierte Psychotherapie (TFP) in der Behandlung von Borderline-Störungen. Persönlichkeitsstörungen 8(3):161-74.
Cain NM, De Panfilis C, Meehan KB, Clarkin JF (2013). Assessing interpersonal profiles associated with varying levels of effortful control. J Pers Assess 95(6):640-4.
Caligor E, Diamond D, Yeomans FE, Kernberg OF (2009). The interpretive process in the psychoanalytic psychotherapy of borderline personality pathology. J Am Psychoanal Assoc 57(2):271-301.
Caligor E, Levy KN, Yeomans FE (2015). Narcissistic personality disorder: diagnostic and clinical challenges. Am J Psychiatry 172(5):415-22.
Clarkin JF (2006). Conceptualization and treatment of personality disorders. Psychother Res 16:1-11.
Clarkin JF (2012). An integrated approach to psychotherapy techniques for patients with personality disorder. J Pers Disord 26(1):43-62.
Clarkin JF (2013). Review: some evidence of benefit for psychotherapies in borderline personality disorder. Evid Based Ment Health 16(1):17.
Clarkin JF, De Panfilis C (2013). Developing conceptualization of borderline personality disorder. J Nerv Ment Dis 201(2):88-93.
Clarkin JF, Fonagy P, Levy KN, Bateman A (in press). Borderline personality disorder. In: Luyten P, Mayes L, Fonagy P, Target M, Blatt S (eds). Handbook of Contemporary Psychodynamic Approaches to Psychopathology. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Clarkin JF, Lenzenweger MF, Yeomans F, Levy KN, Kernberg OF (2007). An object relations model of borderline pathology. J Personal Disord 21:474-499
Clarkin JF, Levy KN (2006). Psychotherapy for patients with borderline personality disorder: Focusing on mechanisms of change. J Clin Psychol 62:405-410
Carsky M, Yeomans F (2012). Overwhelming Patients and Overwhelmed Therapists. Psychodynam Psychiatry 40 (1): 75-90.
Dammann G (in press). Grundprinzipien der psychoanalytisch-orientierten stationären Behandlung von Patienten mit schweren Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Psychoanalyse. Texte zur Sozialforschung.
Dammann G (2004). Interaktionelle Methode und Übertragungsfokussierte Psychotherapie (TFP): Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zweier psychodynamischer Therapieverfahren für persönlichkeitsgestörte Patienten. Forum der Psychoanalyse 20, 314-30.
De Panfilis C, Marchesi C, Cabrino C, Monici A, Politi V, Rossi M, Maggini C (2012). Patient factors predicting early dropout from psychiatric outpatient care for borderline personality disorder. Psychiatry Res 200(2-3):422-9.
De Panfilis C, Politi V, Fortunati R, Cazzolla R, Scaramuzzino M, Marchesi C, Maggini C (2011). Two-year follow-up of borderline personality disorder patients in Italy: a preliminary report on prognosis and prediction of outcome. Int J Soc Psychiatry 57(5):528-37.
Diamond D (2005). Social and Psychological Perspectives on Narcissism and its Disorders. In: Kernberg OF, Hartmann HP (eds). Narzissmus, Grundlagen, Storungsbilder, Therapie. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 171-204.
Diamond D (2008). Empathy and Identification in Lives of Others. J Am Psychoanal Assoc 56:811-832.
Diamond D (2012). Sexuality and attachment in patients with severe narcissistic personality disorders. Implications for therapeutic process and outcome. Persönlichkeitsstörungen 16:49–67.
Diamond D, Blatt SJ (in press). The Attachment Patterns of Therapists: Impact on Treatment Alliance, Therapeutic Process and Outcome. In: Gunsberg L, Hershberg S (eds): In Celebration of Joseph D. Lichtenberg. New York: Routledge.
Diamond D, Kernberg OF (2008). Discussion. In: Busch F (ed.). Mentalization: Theoretical Considerations, Research Findings, and Clinical Implications. New York: Analytic Press, 233-257.
Diamond D, Meehan KB (2013). Attachment and object relations in patients with narcissistic personality disorder: implications for therapeutic process and outcome. J Clin Psychol 69(11):1148-59.
Diamond D, Yeomans FE (2007). Oedipal Love and Conflict in the Transference/Countertransference Matrix: Its Impact on Attachment Security and Mentalization. In: Diamond D, Lichtenberg J, Blatt S (eds). Attachment and Sexuality. New York: Analytic Press, 201-255.
Diamond D, Yeomans FE (2008). La relation patient-therapeute: impacts de la theorie de l’attachement, de la fonction reflexive et de la recherche. Sante Ment Que 33:61-88.
Diamond D, Yeomans FE (2008). Psychopathologies narcissiques et psychotherapie focalisee sur le transfert. Sante Ment Que 33:115-139.
Diamond D, Yeomans F, Clarkin J, Levy KN (2008). The Reciprocal Impact of Attachment and Transference-Focused Psychotherapy with Borderline Patients. In: Steele H, Steele M (eds). Clinical Applications of the Adult Attachment Interview. New York: Guilford Press, 339-385.
Diamond D, Yeomans FE, Levy K (2011). Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In: Campbell K, Miller J (eds). The Handbook of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Theoretical Approaches, Empirical Findings, and Treatment. New York: Wiley, 423-433.
Diamond D, Yeomans FE, Levy KN (2011). Psicoterapia psicodinamica delle personalità narcisistiche. In: Clarkin JF, Yeomans FE, Kernberg OF (eds). Psicoterapia psicodinamica dei disturbi di personalità: un approccio basato sulle relazioni oggettuali. Manuale della Psicoterapia Focalizzata sul Transfert (TFP). Rome: Giovanni Fioriti Editore, 412-426.
Diamond D, Yeomans F, Stern B, Levy KN, Hörz S, Delaney J, Fisher-Kern M, Clarkin J (in press). Transference Focused Psychotherapy For Patients With Co-Morbid Narcissistic And Borderline Personality Disorder. Psychoanalytic Inquiry.
Doering S, Enzi B, Faber C, Hinrichs J, Bahmer J, Northoff G (2012). Personality functioning and the cortical midline structures–an exploratory FMRI study. PLoS One 7(11):e49956. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049956.
Draijer N (2010). Een razend verlangen naar betekenis. In: Dirkx J, Heuves W (eds). Hysterie. Psychoanalytische Beschouwingen. Amsterdam: Boom, 83-99.
Draijer N (2011). Over de verstrengeling van heden en verleden in Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) bij borderline patiënten. In: Schulkes JAR, Dil M, Hendriksen M, Roelofsen W (eds). De rol van het verleden in psychotherapie. Assen: van Gorcum.
Draijer N, Van Zon P (2013). Transference-focused psychotherapy with former child soldiers: meeting the murderous self. J Trauma Dissociation 14(2):170-83.
Enzi B, Doering S, Faber C, Hinrichs J, Bahmer J, Northoff G (2013). Reduced deactivation in reward circuitry and midline structures during emotion processing in borderline personality disorder. World J Biol Psychiatry 14(1):45-56.
Erbe JK, Diamond D, Fertuck EF (in press). Mental Representation, Social Cognition, and the Neural Underpinnings of Borderline Personality Disorder: A Multi-Level Approach. Neuropsychoanalysis.
Fan Y, Wonneberger C, Enzi B, de Greck M, Ulrich C, Tempelmann C, Bogerts B, Doering S, Northoff G (2011). The narcissistic self and its psychological and neural correlates: an exploratory fMRI study. Psychol Med 41(8):1641-50.
Ferrer M, Andion O, Bendeck M, Calvo N, Prat M, Aragones E, Barral C, Casas M, Salvador-Carulla L (2015). Regional analysis of health service utilisation by persons with borderline personality disorders: implications for evidence-informed policy. J Ment Health Policy Econ 18(1):17-25.
Foelsch PA, Odom AO, Schmeck K, Schlüter-Müller S, Kernberg OF (2008). Behandlung von Adoleszenten mit Identitätsdiffusion: Eine Modifikation der übertragungsfokussierten Psychotherapie (TFP). Persönlichkeitsstörungen 3:153-162.
Foelsch PA, Odom AE, Kernberg OF (2008). Modifications à la psychothérapie focalisée sur le transfert (PFT) pour le traitement des adolescents avec une identité diffuse. Sante Ment Que 33(1):37-60.
Foelsch PA, Odom A, Arena H, Krischer MK, Schmeck K, Schlüter-Müller S (2010). Differenzierung zwischen Identitätskrise und Identitätsdiffusion und ihre Bedeutung für die Behandlung. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr 59:418-434.
Hallquist MN, Lenzenweger MF (2013). Identifying latent trajectories of personality disorder symptom change: growth mixture modeling in the longitudinal study of personality disorders. J Abnorm Psychol 122(1):138-55.
Hörz S, Doering S (2010). Das Selbst und die Struktur der Persönlichkeit. Persönlichkeitsstörungen 14:267-271.
Hopwood CJ, Swenson C, Bateman A, Yeomans FE, Gunderson JG (2014). Approaches to psychotherapy for borderline personality: demonstrations by four master clinicians. Personal Disord 5(1):108-16.
Kernberg OF (1970). Factors in the psychoanalytic treatment of narcissistic personalities. J Am Psychoanal Assoc 18(1):51-85.
Kernberg OF (1970). A psychoanalytic classification of character pathology. J Am Psychoanal Assoc 18(4): 800-22.
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Kernberg OF (1976). Technical considerations in the treatment of borderline personality organization. J Am Psychoanal Assoc 24(4):795-829.
Kernberg OF, Caligor E (2005). A psychoanalytic theory of personality disorders. In: Lenzenweger MF, Clarkin JF (eds). Major theories of personality disorder. 2nd edition. New York, Guilford, 115-156.
Kernberg OF (2006). Identity. Recent findings and clinical implications. Int J Psychoanal 87(6):1649-73.
Kernberg OF (2007). The almost untreatable narcissistic patient. J Am Psychoanal Assoc 55:503-539.
Kernberg OF (2007). Countertransference: Recent developments and technical implications for the treatment of patients with severe personality disorders. In: vanLuyn B, Akhtar S, Livesley J (eds). Severe Personality Disorders: Major Issues in Everyday Practice. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 42-58.
Kernberg OF (2008). The Destruction of Time in Pathological Narcissism. Int J Psychoanal 89:299-312.
Kernberg OF (2011). Divergent contemporary trends in psychoanalytic theory. Psychoanal Rev 98:633-664.
Kernberg OF (2011). The sexual couple: a psychoanalytic exploration. Psychoanal Rev 98(2):217-45.
Kernberg OF (2014). An overview of the treatment of severe narcissistic pathology. Int J Psychoanal 95(5):865-88.
Kernberg OF, Diamond D, Yeomans F, Clarkin J, Levy K (2008). Mentalization and Attachment in Borderline Patients in Transference Focused Psychotherapy. In: Jurist E, Slade A, Bergner S (eds). Mind to Mind: Infant Research, Neuroscience, and Psychoanalysis. New York: Other Press, 167-198.
Kernberg OF, Krischer MK, Foelsch PA (2008). Transference focused psychotherapy for adolescents: a preliminary communication. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr 57(8-9):662-92.
Kernberg OF, Levy KN (2011). Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung und Borderline-Persönlichkeitsorganisation – Psychopathologie und Diagnose. In: B Dulz, Herpertz SC, Kernberg OF, Sachsse U (eds). Handbuch der Borderline-Störungen. 2. Auflage. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 286-300.
Kreft I (2015). Métodos de Psicoterapia Focalizada en la Transferencia en ninos con organzación limite des la personalidad. Psicopatol salud ment 26, 23-27.
Krischer MK, Normandin L (2015). Tratamiento de adolescentes con trastorno limite en un hospital de dia mediante técnicas de la psicoterapie focalizada en la trensferencia (TFP). Psicopatol salud ment 26, 49-59.
Lackinger F, Dammann G (2005). Besonderheiten der Behandlungsbedingungen bei der übertragungsfokussierten Psychotherapie (TFP) persönlichkeitsgestörter Delinquenten. Recht & Psychiatrie 23(3):103-115.
Lackinger F (2007). Transference Focused Forensic Psychotherapy (TFFP). Die Psychodynamische Borderline-Therapie wird forensisch adaptiert. Forens Psychiatrie Psychoth – Werkstattschriften 14(1):61-103.
Lackinger F (2008). Übertragungsfokussierte Psychotherapie für persönlichkeitsgestörte Rechtsbrecher. Psychol Österr 28(2):138-149.
Lackinger F (2008). Zur Dynamik von Übertragung und Perversion. In: Lackinger F, Dammann F, Wittmann B (eds). Psychodynamische Psychotherapie bei Delinquenz. Praxis der Übertragungsfokussierten Psychotherapie. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 197-217.
Lackinger F, Wittmann B, Dammann G (2008). Synopsis. Vergleich mit anderen Therapieverfahren, Fragen der Indikation und Modifikationen im forensischen Kontext. In: Lackinger F, Dammann G, Wittmann B (eds). Psychodynamische Psychotherapie bei Delinquenz. Praxis der Übertragungsfokussierten Psychotherapie. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 438-465.
Lackinger F, Zimprichová D (2008). Zur Indikation von TFP bei Straftätern. In: Lackinger F, Dammann G, Wittmann B (eds). Psychodynamische Psychotherapie bei Delinquenz. Praxis der Übertragungsfokussierten Psychotherapie. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 66-80.
Lackinger F (2009). Borderline-Persönlichkeitsorganisation und Perverse Struktur – ein konzeptueller Vergleich. Gemeindenahe Psychiatrie 30:49-68.
Lenzenweger MF, Clarkin JF, Levy KN, Yeomans FE, Kernberg OF (2012). Predicting domains and rates of change in borderline personality disorder. Personal Disord 3(2):185-95.
Levy KN, Clarkin JF, Yeomans FE, Scott L, Wasserman R, Kernberg OF (2006). The mechanisms of change in the treatment of borderline personality disorder with transference focused psychotherapy. J Clinical Psychol 62:481-501.
Levy KN, Meehan KB (in press). Personality disorders. In: Luyten P, Mayes L, Fonagy P, Target M, Blatt S (eds),Handbook of Contemporary Psychodynamic Approaches to Psychopathology. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Levy KN, Yeomans FE, Diamond D (2007). Psychodynamic treatment of self-injury. Journal Clin Psychol 63(112):1165-1120.
Mattke D, Dammann G, Martius P (2007). Der Transfer von einzeltherapeutischen Behandlungskonzepten auf Gruppenformate: Das Beispiel der Übertragungsfokussierten Psychotherapie (TFP). Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik 43:161-180.
Prunas A, Preti E, Huemer J, Shaw RJ, Steiner H (2014). Defensive functioning and psychopathology: a study with the REM-71. Compr Psychiatry 55(7):1696-702.
Salvador-Carulla L, Bendeck M, Ferrer M, Andión O, Aragonès E, Casas M; BDP-Cost Group (2014). Cost of borderline personality disorder in Catalonia (Spain). Eur Psychiatry 29(8):490-7.
Schlüter-Müller S, Schmeck K, Schmid M (2009). Borderline-Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Neurologie & Psychiatrie 4: 20-24.
Schlüter-Müller S, Schmeck K (2011). Behandlung von Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen in der Adoleszenz. Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie 3: 20-21.
Schlüter-Müller S, Schmeck K, Foelsch P (2012). Behandlung von Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen in der Adoleszenz. In: Dammann G, Grimmer B, Sammet I (eds). Psychotherapie in der Spätadoleszenz. Fortschritte in der Psychotherapeutischen Psychiatrie. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Schmeck K, Schlüter-Müller S (2012). Verlauf und Prognose der schweren Persönlichkeitsstörungen: Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie 163(5): 166-170.
Schmeck K, Schlüter-Müller S, Resch F (2012). Persönlichkeitsstörungen. In: Fegert JM, Eggers C, Resch F (eds). Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie des Kindes- und Jugendalters, 2. Auflage. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 717-734.
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Schneider-Lehmann A, Lohmer M (2008). Supervisorische Erfahrungen mit Forensischer TFP. In: Lackinger F, Dammann G, Wittmann B (eds): Psychodynamische Therapie bei Delinquenz. Praxis der übertragungsfokussierten Psychotherapie. Stuttgart: Schattauer.
Stern BL, Yeomans F, Diamond D, Kernberg OF (in press). Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In: Ogrodniczuk J (ed). Treating Pathological Narcissism. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
Valenciano L, Rosique Diaz PA, González P (2015). Los preliminares de la psicoterapie focalizada en la transferencia. Psicopatol salud ment 26, 61-72.
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van Mosel J (2009). Transference Focused Psychotherapie: toegepast object-relationeel denken. In: Deben-Mager M, Verheugt-Pleiter A (eds). Bankgeheimen. Assen: Van Gorcum, 66-84.
Wright AG, Pincus AL, Lenzenweger MF (2011). Development of personality and the remission and onset of personality pathology. J Pers Soc Psychol 101(6):1351-8.
Wright AG, Pincus AL, Lenzenweger MF (2012). Interpersonal development, stability, and change in early adulthood. J Pers 80(5):1339-72.
Yeomans FE, Clarkin JF, Diamond D, Levy KN (2008). An object relations treatment of borderline patients with reflective functioning as the mechanism of change. In: Busch F (ed). Mentalization:Theoretical Considerations, Research Findings and Clinical Implications. New York: Analytic Press, 159-181.
Yeomans FE, Clarkin JF, Levy KN (2005). Psychodynamic psychotherapies. In: Oldham JM, Skodol AE, Bender DS (eds). Textbook of personality disorders. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 275-288.
Yeomans FE, Delaney JC (2008). Transference-Focused Psychotherapy as a Means to Change the Personality Structure that Underlies Borderline Personality Disorder. Social Work in Mental Health 6(1/2):157-170.
Yeomans FE, Diamond D (2010). Treatment of Cluster B Disorders: TFP and BPD. In: Clarkin JF, Fonagy P, Gabbard GO (eds). Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders: A Clinical Handbook. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, 209-239.
Yeomans FE, Kernberg OF (2009). Borderline Personality Organization. In: Barnhill J (ed). Approach to the Psychiatric Patient. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.
Zerbo E, Cohen S, Bielska W, Caligor E (2013). Transference-Focused Psychotherapy in the General Psychiatry Residency: A Useful and Applicable Model for Residents in Acute Clinical Settings. Psychodyn Psychiatry 41(1):163-181.