TFP Videos Library
Personality Disorders
What is Personality? (And Personality Disorder) | FRANK YEOMANS
Frank Yeomans gives a definition of personality and describes what it means to have a personality disorder.
What Are Personality Disorders? (The Simple Version) | OTTO KERNBERG
Otto Kernberg discusses Personality Disorders from the viewpoint of clinician.
The Root of Severe Personality Disorders | OTTO KERNBERG
Otto Kernberg discusses the fundamental roots of severe personality disorders.
Borderline Personality Disorders
Major Signs & Symptoms of BPD (Borderline) | OTTO KERNBERG
Otto Kernberg takes us through some of the ways Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) expresses itself
What Causes Identity Diffusion in BPD & NPD? | OTTO KERNBERG
Otto Kernberg describes the internal creation of good and bad segments in a person’s early experience and how it’s lack of integration lead to identity diffusion in BPD and NPD.
What Is Projective Identification? | OTTO KERNBERG
Otto Kernberg describes projective identification and it’s influence in the development of personality disorders.
Why Meds Don’t Cure Borderline Personality Disorders | OTTO KERNBERG
Otto Kernberg, creator of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy, discusses why medication does not cure Borderline Personality Disorder.
Borderline Personality Disorders vs Mood Disorders | OTTO KERNBERG
Otto Kernberg describes emotional dysregulation in BPD, and differentiates it from mood disorders such as bipolar disorder.
NPD (Narcissism) vs BPD (Borderline) | FRANK YEOMANS
Frank Yeomans discusses how Borderline and Narcissistic personalities compare in terms of attachment style and splitting style.
Narcissistic personality disorders
Narcissism Is a Defense Against BPD | OTTO KERNBERG
What lies beneath a narcissistic defense? Otto Kernberg describes Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and its “pathological grandiose self”.
Popular Misconceptions of Narcissism | FRANK YEOMANS
Frank Yeomans reacts to the common misconception that narcissism (NPD) is simply about grandiosity, arrogance and entitlement.
The Range of Narcissism: Healthy to NPD | FRANK YEOMANS
Frank Yeomans describes the spectrum of narcissism, from healthy all the way to Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
How to Be Human Instead of a Narcissist | FRANK YEOMANS
Dr. Frank Yeomans describes the purpose a narcissistic psychological structure serves, why it can be so difficult to break out of it.
Narcissism and Relationship Problems | DIANA DIAMOND
Diana Diamond explains what healthy narcissism is, and why it is difficult to have deep relationships without a healthy, stable concept of self.
Narcissism & Insecure Attachment Styles | DIANA DIAMOND
Are parents to blame for the narcissism in their kids? Diana Diamond explains the connection between attachment styles and narcissistic pathology.
Narcissism And Shallow Superficial Relationships | DIANA DIAMOND
How does narcissism affect relationships? It turns out the capacity to attract a lot of short-term partners is an indication of narcissistic pathology.
Aggression & the Paranoid-Schizoid and Depressive Positions | FRANK YEOMANS
Dr. Frank Yeomans explains how accepting — or not accepting — our own aggressive feelings impacts our psychological stance on an individual and societal level.
Aggression & Emptiness in NPD | FRANK YEOMANS
Frank Yeomans describes why a person with NPD often feels empty. It turns out something within them destroys their own efforts to grow.
Malignant Narcissism & Our Undoing as a Species | FRANK YEOMANS
Frank Yeomans explains what can happen when a malignant narcissist is the leader of a group and how narcissism and egocentrism, along with a need for comfort, are threatening our survival as a species.
The Malignant Narcissist’s Internal World | FRANK YEOMANS
What’s it like to be a malignant narcissist? Does their narcissistic defense relieve them of their internal emptiness? What is the difference between a sociopath and a malignant narcissist?
Why It’s a Relief to Follow a Leader with Malignant Narcissism | FRANK YEOMANS
Frank Yeomans discusses the primitive appeal of splitting – “We’re good they’re bad” – and what happens when a malignant narcissist is the leader of a group. Both Trump and Hitler are mentioned.
Treating personality disorders
Borderline personality disorders
The Two Types of Treatment for BPD | OTTO KERNBERG
Otto Kernberg, a pioneer in the field of severe personality disorders and Borderline in particular (and creator of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy), discusses BPD from the viewpoint of clinician / experienced expert.
How TFP Works (Transference-Focused Psychotherapy) | OTTO KERNBERG
Kernberg describes what the goal is in each of the three stages of Transference Focused Psychotherapy.
What Causes a Bad Prognosis for Personality Disorders? | OTTO KERNBERG
Otto Kernberg, a pioneer in the field of severe personality disorders and creator of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy describes what causes bad treatment prognosis for Personality Disorders.
Narcissistic personality disorders
When Do Narcissists Seek Treatment? | DIANA DIAMOND
Do narcissists ever seek treatment, and can they get better? Diana Diamond discusses when and why people with narcissistic pathology (NPD) may break down and end up in treatment.
Common Reasons Why Narcissists Come to Treatment | DIANA DIAMOND
Do narcissists only go to treatment when their families and partners force them to go? Diana Diamond thinks not. There are plenty of reasons to show up at therapy even if you don’t know you have narcissistic pathology.
How to Treat Narcissism | FRANK YEOMANS
Frank Yeomans describes (in his classic understanding way) how he deals with being devalued and criticized by his narcissistic (NPD) patients.
Why It’s Hard to Help a Narcissist | FRANK YEOMANS
Frank Yeomans describes the dilemma we face when dealing with narcissists, whether as therapists, friends or family members. On the one hand: destroying what allows the narcissist to feel good about themselves.
Narcissistic Transference & Countertransference | FRANK YEOMANS
Frank Yeomans defines transference and countertransference and explains how they might be experienced when dealing with a narcissist, whether in a therapy environment or otherwise.
Treating NPD With Empathy, not Sympathy | FRANK YEOMANS
Frank Yeomans describes the difference between empathy and sympathy in treating narcissism (NPD), and the challenges in helping people see things about themselves that are horrifying for them to see.
What Successful Treatment of Narcissism Looks Like | DIANA DIAMOND
Diana Diamond takes us through the progressive phases of treatment and their accompanying transferences, from narcissistic to dependent to depressive, with the patient finally reaching a more integrated state.
Exemples of treatment interviews
BPD Psych Interview | Charlotte & Dr. Diamond
First meeting between Charlotte — diagnosed with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and Dr. Diana Diamond, expert on BPD and NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder).
Debrief w/ Dr. Diamond after Charlotte Session | Recovering from Self-Destructive Behavior in BPD
Debrief with Dr. Diamond (expert clinician/researcher) after her first meeting with Charlotte — diagnosed with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder).
Debrief w/ Charlotte after Dr. Diamond Session | Abuse & Self-Destructive Behavior in BPD
Debrief with Charlotte — diagnosed with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) after her first meeting with Dr. Diamond (expert clinician/researcher).