Xumei Wang’s dedicated pursuit of TFP began in 2018, and while she is not presently affiliated with ISTFP, her involvement in its principles remains fervent. As a psychiatrist, she embarked on the study of psychodynamic therapy in 2004, receiving training from distinguished psychoanalysts hailing from countries including Germany, Norway, and the United States. Demonstrating her studious nature, she also attained certifications in music therapy and participated in group relations conferences. Currently serving as the esteemed Director, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor of the Department of Psychology at Shengjing Hospital, China Medical University, she adeptly guides graduate students in their research endeavors.
In 2015, Xumei Wang had her initial encounter with Otto Kernberg’s work during a workshop at the APA Annual Conference in the United States that she found very illuminating. This encounter proved highly valuable, as her research focus at that time revolved around personality disorders. Collaborating with Dr. Carla Sharp, she worked on introducing the Borderline Characteristics Scale for Children and Adolescents to China. Additionally, her collaboration with Peter Fonagy involved the introduction of the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire for Adolescents to China. Through these collaborations, she gradually familiarized herself with TFP, the therapeutic model developed by Otto Kernberg. In 2017, she deepened her knowledge by attending a TFP workshop led by Otto Kernberg in Hangzhou. A year later, she eagerly enrolled in the inaugural TFP full training program offered in China organized by Theophilus Kok and led by Frank Yeomans.