“At best, a dialogue about life”
This moving statement concludes Chapter 6, titled ‘Reflections on Supervision,’ from Dr. Kernberg’s book Hatred, Emptiness, and Hope. It had such a profound effect on me that I decided to make it the centrepiece of this article about the relationship between supervisor and supervisee. It sums up how our founding father sees the complex and sometimes complicated human experience. With rigour and sensitivity he tells a story of mutual human growth underlining what can nourish or hinder the process. In this text, I will attempt to summarize his most fundamental ideas on supervision.

Mathieu Norton-Poulin, M.Ps.
Mathieu Norton-Poulin is a psychologist in private practice in Gatineau, Québec. He graduated from Laval University in 1995 and started his training in transference focused psychotherapy in 2005. Member of the TFP-Québec group he as been practicing has a certified TFP therapist for the last 9 years. Since 2009 he organized several training events and has given lectures on TFP for medical doctors and college students. He maintains a blog where he write, in plain words, articles to explain TFP to the general public.