The Research and Publication Committee was established within the ISTFP to promote attention toward research relevant to the field of TFP. John Clarkin has guided the Research Committee since the foundation of the ISTFP. During the past decade, I had the opportunity to assist Dr. Clarkin in the initiatives of the Committee. In particular, we had regular open meetings of the Committee during the biennial ISTFP conferences, and the stimuli from those meetings fostered the initiatives of the Committee. In 2022 I was given the exciting opportunity to chair the Research and Publication Committee and was honored to accept this role. The first task was to establish a group of members. With the precious consultation of John Clarkin and Stephan Doering, a list of highly competent and motivated colleagues emerged:
Marko Biberdzic, Victor Blüml, Anna Buchheim, John Clarkin, Chiara De Panfilis, Rossella Di Pierro, Stephan Doering, Karin Ensink, Eric Fertuck, Andrea Fontana, Susanne Hörz-Sagstetter, Maya Krischer, Maria Jesus Rufat