The increasing family and community of ISTFP members just met in New York for our 8th Biennial Conference, many in person and some by streaming. We, of course, devoted some activities to the field of teaching and supervision. One of them was the in-person Training and Education Committee meeting on September 27th, which allowed members of the committee to deepen certain important themes.
During that meeting, the T & E Committee reached the conclusion that our therapists in training are getting more and more consistent with what we may call the macroscopic aspects of supervision.
Let me explain by doing an artificial division in our practice.

Luis Valenciano
Psychiatrist, Executive Officer for the Board of the ISTFP, and currently the Chief Trainee and Supervision Committee member
After passing the MIR, he trained in Psychiatry at the General Hospital of Murcia under the tutelage of Professor Demetrio Barcia. He specialized in psychotherapy at the Madrid Psychoanalytic Center and Elipsis.
In 2007, he co-founded the first Personality Disorders Program in the Region of Murcia, where he worked until 2021 before dedicating himself to private practice. Since 2006, he has worked with Professor Otto Kernberg in New York and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the ISTFP. From Murcia, he sees patients and supervises therapists internationally, in addition to teaching at various institutions. In recent years, he has also co-founded the Instituto TFP Hispanoamérica with other colleagues.