Dear Colleagues,
When it was formed, the ISTFP established the Training & Education Committee to uphold quality standards for international TFP training and supervision, to promote the development of standardized teaching tools, and to work on ways we can improve how we educate our students and supervise both our students and each other. The T&E Committee also plays a crucial role in shaping the educational policy of the ISTFP, preparing certification regulations, and establishing guidelines and documents for examinations.
The T&E Committee currently comprises 15 members, including two co-chairs (Luis Valenciano and myself), from various countries: Marion Braun (GR); Peter Bucheim (GR); Eve Caligor (USA); Sergio Dazzi (IT); Stephan Doering (AU); Diana Diamond (USA); Frank Denning (UK); Nel Draijer (NL); Katarzyna Gwozdz (PL); Otto Kernberg (USA); Judit Lendvay (USA); Mathias Lohmer (GR); Philipp Martius (GR); Verónica Steiner (CL); Frank E. Yeomans (USA).

Irene Sarno
Irene Sarno Ph.D. is a psychotherapist and a psychoanalyst of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA). In her clinical practice she works mainly with adolescents, young adults, and adults. She trained between USA and Italy with Otto Kernberg and coll. on Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for adults and adolescents, and she is a certified TFP teacher and supervisor for both adults and adolescents. She is a founding member of the Personality Disorders Lab (PdLab), branch society of the International Society of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (ISTFP). With the PdLab she has organized a number of training programs on TFP in Italy.
She is Adjunct Professor of Psychotherapy and Counselling at the University of Milan-Bicocca, where she is also consultant at the Psychological Counselling Centre for University Students.
She is author of national and international scientific articles, books and book chapters on Non Suicidal Self-Injury, diagnosis and assessment, and personality disorders.