Monitoring information on TFP in Google top search results

Dear members,
As you all know part of the mission of our society is to disseminate the model of Transference Focused Psychotherapy. This is achieved through many channels, including lectures, trainings and scientific articles. Today I suggest we take a look at where and how information about the model is communicated on the internet., a web platform dedicated on gathering data about the internet tells us that 60 % percent of people worldwide look online for information. That implies it is the same for information about treatments for personality disorders. That is why we asked the members of the Public Relations and Communications Committee to send me the first 10 results they obtain when conducting a Google search in their country for “transference focused psychotherapy” in English and in the country’s official language. In doing this, we hoped to monitor the information circulating about TFP on the internet and assess the ranking of TFP-Group websites.
Generally, information we found about transference focused psychotherapy mostly ranged from clear to adequate but, has you will see, we also came across some disturbing findings.

Mathieu Norton-Poulin, M.Ps.
Mathieu Norton-Poulin is a psychologist in private practice in Gatineau, Québec. He graduated from Laval University in 1995 and started his training in transference focused psychotherapy in 2005. Member of the TFP-Québec group he as been practicing has a certified TFP therapist for the last 9 years. Since 2009 he organized several training events and has given lectures on TFP for medical doctors and college students. He maintains a blog where he write, in plain words, articles to explain TFP to the general public.