Dear Colleagues,
My thoughts are inspired by the rich and varied, but related, topics that our Public Relations Committee has put together in this newsletter. There is a sobering integration of many themes in the different articles. Silvia Bernardi writes of loss, embodied in the death of our colleague and friend Michael Stone. As Silvia points out, that loss is tempered to some degree by an appreciation of what Michael gave us, of the gift we had in him. Michael’s long association with us at the Personality Disorders Institute in New York is a reminder of something we may not reflect on enough: the degree to which our thinking and experience can be enriched by colleagues whose interests overlap with ours without fitting narrowly into the TFP world. Reflecting our years of association with Michael is a reminder that our community will continue to grow by both refining what we do and also by turning to close colleagues who may have somewhat differing perspectives to expand on what we do.

Frank E. Yeomans, MD, PhD
Frank E. Yeomans, MD, PhD, is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College and Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Cornell University. He is a Senior Consultant in and teaches internationally for the Personality Disorders Institute, and is in private practice in White Plains and New York City.