March 3 and 4, 2023 – Lausanne
French – Hybrid
Swiss Society of TFP
Including Future and Past Courses ordered by date announced
French – Hybrid
Swiss Society of TFP
English to Chinese translation
TFP Group China
Institute of Personality Studies and Development
On Wednesdays, for three months, ten sessions of 90 minutes each
For more information click here
Register [email protected]
English to Chinese translation
Si Chuan He Guang Clinical Psychology Institute
Two sets of four full days
For more information click here
Register [email protected]
English to Chinese translation
Si Chuan He Guang Clinical Psychology Institute
Postítulo: Introducción a la Psicoterapia Psicodinámica para los Trastornos de Personalidad, con un foco en TFP
Comienzo en Agosto 2021 – finaliza en Julio 2023
Online (Zoom)
Organized by Instituto Chileno de Trastornos de la Personalidad
Para más información comuníquese a: [email protected]
TFP Uruguay te invita el próximo 24 de julio a asistir a una masterclass online junto al Maestro Frank Yeomans, MD, PhD (USA) [Read more…] about Masterclass 2021: Supervisión de casos clínicos de pacientes con Trastornos Severos de la Personalidad
We are pleased to announce that on January 22-23, 2021 in Poznan we began classes starting the first segment of a comprehensive specialist training in Transference Focused Therapy conducted in cooperation with the International Society of Transference Focused Psychotherapy.
Classes are conducted by Prof. Stephan Doering and Prof. Nel Draijer for the theoretical and supervision part. Profs. Nel Draijer and Stephan Doering will be joined by our colleagues Drs. Katarzyna Poniatowska-Leszczyńska and Anna Kaczmarska-Pająk as co-teachers and co-supervisors. [Read more…] about Specialist Training in Transference Focused Therapy
China, Part 2: 2-5 Mar 2021
Faculty: Dr Tennyson Lee, FRCPsych, Dr Kenneth N. Levy, Ph.D.
Description: The training course is aimed especially at psychiatrists and psychologists interested in acquiring the theoretical and technical knowledge to treat patients with Personality Disorders (especially with Borderline Personality Disorder). [Read more…] about Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) Foundational Training
Luis Valenciano- Verónica Steiner- Mónica Eidllin
March 2021-SEPTEMBER 2021
63 hours.
Course for all those who wish to know the basic foundations of the theory and its technical application. [Read more…] about BASIC COURSE OF TFP ONLINE
Luis Valenciano- Verónica Steiner- Mónica Eidllin
Inicio marzo 2021 [Read more…] about ADVANCED TFP COURSE
Faculty: Dr Tennyson Lee, FRCPsych, Dr Kenneth N. Levy, Ph.D.
Host organization: Si Chuan He Guang Clinical Psychology Institute, 19th Floor, No. 5 Xicun, Beisen Road, Qingyang District, Chengdu [Read more…] about Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) Foundational Training
Weiterbildung in TFP/Übertragungsfokussierte Psychotherapie der Borderlinestörungen
Auf den jahrzehntelangen Arbeiten Otto Kernbergs zur Borderline-Persönlichkeits-Organisation fußend steht mit der TFP eine mittlerweile weltweit verbreitete störungsspezifische psychodynamische Behandlungsmethode zur Verfügung, deren Wirksamkeit wissenschaftlich gut fundiert ist. Seit 1999 ist die TFP als Behandlungsmanual publiziert. In mehreren wissenschaftlichen Begleitstudien konnte die Wirksamkeit eindrucksvoll belegt werden.
Seit 2004 organisiert die ÖGATAP Weiterbildungscurricula in TFP.
[Read more…] about 6th TFP-training in Vienna organized by ÖGATAP
Taught in Spanish, online version, face-to-face or hybrid format.
Courses usually begin on the third Saturday of January and third Saturday of August each year.
Two main courses:
It is worth mentioning that our educational offering might differ because we are constantly renewing our plans such as the Semi-structured Interview of Personality Organization – STIPO Workshop (by request). [Read more…] about Continuing Education Program in TFP since 2016 by Grupo TFP México
Psychiatrische Klinik Münsterlingen
In Kooperation mit der International Society
of TFP (ISTFP) und Swiss Society of TFP (SSTFP)
This training is in German.
Magister Clinico y terapeuta acreditado en TFP
Grupo TFP Chile
Universidad de Valparaiso
Location: Columbia’s Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program
Instructors: Judit Lendvay MD and Peter Bookstein MD [Read more…] about TFP Course
Formación en Psicoterapia Focalizada en la Transferencia (Training in Transference Focused Psychotherapy)
Location: Gregorio Marañón University Hospital. Madrid, Spain [Read more…] about Training in Transference Focused Psychotherapy
Course Description: Transference-Focused Psychotherapy is grounded in contemporary psychoanalytic theory since we believe that psychoanalytic thinking has much to offer in terms of understanding and treating personality disorders. However, our approach includes specific modifications of technique to address the therapeutic needs of patients with borderline and other personality disorders.
Main Presenter: Diana Diamond, PhD [Read more…] about An Introduction to Transference-Focused Psychotherapy: Its Application to Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorders
Speakers: Otto Kernberg, Miguel Ángel González Torres, Alfons Icart, Teresa Ribalta, Maria Jesus Rufat, Brenda Tarragona, Luis Valenciano, Joan Vegué and Esther Verdaguer.
Host organization: Grup-TLP Barcelona [Read more…] about Training Course for the Accreditation of Psychotherapists in Transference-Focused Psychotherapy
Institut für Psychotherapie e.V. Berlin und ISTFP [Read more…] about Curriculum 2019-2021 – Übertragungsfokussierte Psychotherapie (TFP) nach Kernberg Erwachsenen-, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie